Darjeeling, Bergamot and Walnuts


A horse walks into a bar ...

(c) 2010 DBW, all rights reserved.

Only a moment ...

It takes a moment to understand,
fleeting and effortless,
seemingly pointless,
yet blissful.

It takes a moment to understand,
like grasping with your hand
a bare electric wire.
Shockingly plainly obvious
you've found a new point of view.

It takes a moment to understand
the message in the sand.
Then you've lost it again,
maybe never to return,
a test of the free will
to find that course and then ...

it takes a moment to understand, 
there's a universe outside this land,
upon which we proudly stand.
A bridge is waiting for us
if we can only understand ...

It takes a moment to understand,
and a lifetime to live it. 
Your secrets die with you, 
your moments lost.

-- (c) 2010 DBW, all rights reserved.