Darjeeling, Bergamot and Walnuts


Asparagus and the absence of knowledge

The loss of knowledge
Wild asparagus
Starving in abundance
Can't put 2 and 2 together to save your life
In time
Up against nothing
But time
And comfort zone


I've dreamed the mark of a master

I've had a lucid dream 
an interpretation
of a real experience

but the dream was more lucid than the real
a posthoc realization
the gentle progression of the day
eclipsed by an afterthought
Like looking in the mirror
and finding you're the reflection

It was this.

In my dream, my mind replayed a guitar player,
mirroring an impromptu gig in an Erice Marsala cellar.
It was not the song I remembered.
Now I cannot play even a Ramones song,
but here replaying in my mind
was a song I've never heard.
I was conscious it was a dream,
a manufactured total experience,
and yet I could recognize a skill in the player
far exceeding my own.

So effortlessly forthcoming,
precision without tension, 
speed without hesitation.
An extension of the body,
the song an old friend,
yet entirely new to me.

I was conscious it was a dream,
a manufactured total experience,
and yet I could recognize a skill in the player
far exceeding my own.

I can imagine an expert,
without being one myself 

So effortlessly forthcoming,
precision without tension, 
speed without hesitation.
An extension of the body,
the song an old friend,
beauty from imperfection
and apparent happenstance.

The mark of a master.

To play music,
we have to choose an instrument.

-- (c) 2015 DBW, all rights reserved.

It's all around you

It's all around you 

at the doors of perception

A leap of conciousness
 in an instant
the mystery falls away

... a what if scenario

It happens every day 
in an analogous way

The secrets are right before us
... in plain view
Just looking isn't enough

I see a pristine coastal lake
I hear the haunting call of a loon
My brother is near me
beholding the spectacle
A vibrant ecosystem
spared of motors

Like Columbus' "India"
the significance evades us

... in plain view
the secrets are right before us
the mystery falls away
  in an instant
 a leap of conciousness
 at the doors of perception
 It's all around us
awaiting our faculties of mind
to awaken

-- (c) 2015 DBW, all rights reserved.


Ceci n'est pas un poem

just words and sentences
that suited my fancy
a me(a)ssage for my sub- and consciousness
for the future since 2010

Darjeeling, bergamot and walnuts they say
up and lifted the Lorax away.
Although contrarywise, the opposite is true
Those who did the lifting away, those are you
who bang your who trinkets and bang your who trumpets
Going on without noticing what we must do.

Now I am no poet, I just speak for the trees
without whom you can return to the ocean if you please
To hang with the curious oysters and fishes
If all you want for the world is to grant your three wishes.

Too many a lichen have struggled on rocks
than justify a collection of pink cashmere socks
The power of life has been granted to you
Now go hurry up and figure out what to do.


By any other name?

Tai Chi
Chai Tea

A dalinprome?

Chai darjeeling
Thai bergamot

Why walnuts?